A spring blessing for you
The everlasting seed
warmth and sunlight peek through
hope floats to the surface
you’ve been Chosen
it’s your moment
a small seed in a little pot
simple elemental forces nurture
with eagerness you sprout
from tiny seed to seedling
expanding up…up…up…
… twisting and taking root
being known in the world
exponential reach overnight
nothing could feel more like home
but you out-expand home
how powerful you are
from seed to seedling to start
you’ve come so far
overcome so much
a true Miracle
elemental forces diminish
parched roots compete
wild hunger grows
it can’t be satiated here
but where?
roots whisper:
we cannot go any further
the time has come
we must expand from
Comfort and Warmth
let us find new soil
let us transplant
let us expand
orby warmth beckons
distant wind whispers
songbirds serenade
trees root with assurance
rivers bubble with invitation
it’s time to join
your first home ... your first love
is always with you
It becomes your branches
Infinitely within and everlasting
So let’s go
Let’s grow
You must let go
It's time to come home
To the story of your Soul -- Your Soul's Story
Where were you once planted that you've now outgrown?
What are you destined for now?
What do you need so that you can let go?