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Writer's pictureJulie Granger

New Year: Time to lift some weights in the Joy Gym

With all this talk of getting strong in the new year I’m curious — How strong are your muscles for lifting and holding the weight of joy?

If you want more joy, it’s not about affirmations or manifesting

It’s about having capacity to hold more

When something joyful completely fills your heart with geeky glee it can be tempting to share it immediately

One minute, you’re filled to the brim with inspiration

The next, you’re feverishly posting it online

Before you know it, you’re reading the news and POOF — the joy is gone

Ever been there? I know I have

So then — Have you ever tried to simply hold joy without immediately discharging it?

Honestly, joy can be a very heavy and vulnerable weight to fully hold

So you’re not alone if this is striking a chord

Not many of us were trained in how to hold negative emotions — let alone the positive ones

Especially when we’re taught that we have to earn our joy, or that if there are negative emotions, then joy can’t possibly be present, too.

There’s a lot of talk these days about being kind to negative emotions. Love that.

But what about joy?

In those fleeting moments where joy fills us up – we often take all that icky discomfort and get rid of it – by sharing it ASAP

Don’t get me wrong – there is NOTHING wrong with sharing your joy in community

It’s not about the sharing. It’s about the intention to offload it.

Are you sharing because it feels too much to hold?

Or are you sharing because you’ve given yourself a minute to really feel it, soak it in – and now – you just can’t help but also shout it from the rooftops?

It’s not as easy as it sounds, so here’s an invitation – start with the “everyday joyful moments”

👉The dream client who just said yes to working with you

👉The moment your kid wins a basketball game

👉The minute you find out Taylor is releasing Rep TV (iykyk)

…I dare you to give it a moment. Soak it in privately – just for you. Five seconds of revelry just for you

THEN tell people about it

Just see how giving joy the space and time it deserves to fill your heart strengthens your muscles and opens the space for even more joy to enter in the future

💪Give it a whirl and report back!

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